So once again my main blog site has gone "KABOOM!".
This is not what I need when I'm trying to give up the dreaded cancer sticks. So, I've cleaned the place out, given it a shine, restocked the cabinets and we are re-opened for business. So, here's how it goes down:
The War Journal Vol. II is where the reviews and news about entertainment esp. Video Games will be. Here is the personal stuff and storylines. Yes, my EFX2 brethren - The Universe Is Calling will continue here. And now it's about to get really personal because I believe I have found my main villain....hee hee hee....
Anyway, that's it for now - get ready for some crazy shit to be coming down the pike....
I need to suck on a commit lozenge...
No worries, man. The community will stick together no matter what. We know that by now :)
I'm still at Blogspot, but I opened a VOX, as many EFXers seem to be congregating there.
I figured it out. Your main villain is going to be the IRS, isn't it?
Nooo! I don't wanna be a villain :(
My main villain will be Keith but really that is a disguise.
Keith is really....
I would think the real villain is Sandie, the bitch wife of keith who in reality holds keith's puppet strings and when she yells jump, half way up keith whimpers "How high"....
Or something like that.
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